Latin America & Caribbean
Over the last decade, the Latin American and Caribbean region had made impressive progress in reducing poverty. This achievement was largely due to boosting growth, labour income and effective social protection networks. The middle class expanded and, as a result, the socio-economic composition of the region has been transformed. However, the region is currently facing economic stagnation and a rise of inequality, and another setback through the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been further intensifying existing challenges.
The Latin American growth model based on the export of raw materials is reaching its limits. The exploitation of natural resources through mining, agriculture, forestry and fishing leads to high social and ecological costs and creates conflicts among the local population. In addition, the subcontinent continues to suffer from impactful social differences. Regardless of successes in reducing poverty, still around 30% of the population is considered poor, and a large amount is excluded from development processes, especially the indigenous population. This situation serves as a breeding ground for violence and crime, causing Latin America and the Caribbean to be one of the most violent regions in the world.
Guided by the strong historical, cultural and economic ties that exist between Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, GOPA Consulting Group has incorporated the region in its development programming for fifty years already. Our ambition is to continue to assist this region with responding to current and future challenges. Our main intervention fields cover the fight against climate change and the protection of natural resources; supporting good governance and the reduction of violence; promotion of sustainable development based on a social and ecological market economy; education; and employment.

Our work in Latin America & the Caribbean
Currently, GOPA Consulting Group is implementing thirty-four projects in Latin America and the Caribbean, delivering services in multiple sectors and working for several clients. The current turnover of the Group in the region is at 8%.
Based on our expertise on the wide range of topics that we cover in the Group, as well as our established network of contacts, we consider ourselves a strong ally of the region, especially in the areas of rural development, climate change and environment, biodiversity, education, infrastructure and energy.
We also successfully apply approaches to promote locally led development and capacities as well as gender equality.