Niger: New GIZ project Supports Digitalisation of Administrative Processes
May 17, 2023

GOPA Worldwide Consultants recently kicked off project activities in Niamey on 2 May with project partner ECO Consult for a GIZ-funded project which aims to support digitalising administrative processes in the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Planning.
Over the next two years, the GOPA team leader will coordinate pools of international IT experts and national capacity building experts. Closely working with the Ministries of Finance and of Planning, the project team has three main tasks:
- putting in place a database about public investment projects in Niger,
- extending the IT tool for state accounting and integrated budget management, and
- creating a monitoring and evaluation platform linked to the two precedent tools.
The launch of this current digitalisation project brings to four the total number of projects GOPA is currently implementing in Niger for several different donors, including GIZ, EU, and the Millennium Challenge Account - Niger (MCA).